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MedlinePlus® and PubMed® Resources

MedlinePlus® and PubMed® are medical information databases sponsored by the National Library of Medicine and the National Insitutes of Health. MedlinePlus® is a consumer-oriented database of medical information which provides easy to understand information about medical topics.
Searching in MedlinePlus®

To perform a search in MedlinePlus®, enter a search term in the search box below. Your results will display in a separate window.

Searching in MedlinePlus®

To perform a search in MedlinePlus®, enter a search term in the search box below. Your results will display in a separate window.

Here are some possible search terms to get you started searching in MedlinePlus®. To perform these searches, just copy and paste the search phrases below into the search bar, and click on the "Search" button. The search results will open in a new browser window or tab.

  • HIV prevention
  • HIV treatment
  • HIV care
  • HIV and sexual activity
  • HIV complications

Searching in PubMed®

PubMed® is a database of specialty medical literature intended for medical professionals, scientists and persons with advanced subject knowledge on a biomedical topic. It indexes the current medical literature published in specialty scientific journals. Most of the information on HIV/AIDS in the PubMed® database is oriented to clinical professionals. However, some of the material retrieved from PubMed® is accessible to consumers.

Search PubMed®:   

The following searches will retrieve review articles on HIV ⁄ AIDS topics from PubMed. These searches are constructed to only include citations from journals which make copies of the articles available at no charge on the Internet. To perform these searches in PubMed®, copy and paste the search text phrase into the PubMed search box, then click "Go".

  • ("hiv"[MeSH Terms] OR "hiv"[All Fields]) AND systematic[sb] AND ("loattrfree full text"[sb] AND "2004/09/17"[PDat] : "2009/09/15"[PDat] AND "humans"[MeSH Terms] AND English[lang] AND (jsubsetaim[text] OR AIDS[sb]))
  • ("hiv seropositivity"[MeSH Terms] OR ("hiv"[All Fields] AND "seropositivity"[All Fields]) OR "hiv seropositivity"[All Fields]) AND systematic[sb] AND ("loattrfree full text"[sb] AND "humans"[MeSH Terms] AND English[lang] AND (jsubsetaim[text] OR AIDS[sb]))
  • ("acquired immunodeficiency syndrome"[MeSH Terms] OR ("acquired"[All Fields] AND "immunodeficiency"[All Fields] AND "syndrome"[All Fields]) OR "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome"[All Fields]) AND systematic[sb] AND ("loattrfree full text"[sb] AND "humans"[MeSH Terms] AND English[lang])